Real Reviews & Random Ramblings
2 min readAug 25, 2020


The Most Important Virtue…

Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash

I learnt this the hard way. Perhaps I only learnt it after I became a parent. Adaptability is “the” most important virtue.

I was the kind of person who believed in bragging “my way or highway”. It sounds cool, perhaps that is why the younger me got so attracted to this ideology.

I could make very few friends as a result. Even though people liked being with me, I never developed strong bonding. Because to have a strong bonding it is important to adapt to your friends life to. It is a give and take relationship. You have to give and one of the ways you give is by adapting to their needs.

I love routines. It makes (or rather used to make)me go crazy whenever my routine was disturbed. I hated any deviations. But by being adaptable in terms of my routine has made me so much more peaceful. So I do follow my routine 90% of the time, but when I don’t it does not make me crazy. I maintain my sanity.

In life change is inevitable. In fact it is said that… “Change is the only constant”. I use to get very troubled when change happened. Change of place is something that happens every two years or so in my husband’s job. My lack of adaptability made it a very frustrating and emotional experience for me. Now being adaptable makes me be calm in face of all changes happening around me.

Being adaptable is also helpful to me as a mom. Once you have a child, your entire life revolves around the child. Bein a mama needs you to change so much of yourself.

I am not sure, but I feel that this lesson in adaptability is something that my child taught me. And yes I could fall along thanks to my meditation practice. My meditation helped me learn how to adapt. It taught me how to choose peace and calm instead of going against the current

So in case you are someone like me. In case you are someone who finds change troublesome. Learn to adapt! It will help you a long way. Have your voice… but adapt where you can.

Do read my post on how to start meditation. Mediation is something which is a must in todays world.



Real Reviews & Random Ramblings

Mommy to a little monkey girl, I have been a yogi for over 25 years. I am a fitness enthusiast, a healer and a life coach. I love working with people.